Folasaga i le vaega o le fana fanaina masini

- 2021-05-31-

O le fana fana pa malulu o lefana fanafana masinimo le togafitiga o uʻamea luga mea. E mafai ona faʻaluila vaega uʻamea ma aveʻese le oneone pipiʻi, faʻamisaina, ma le pala vaega. E mafua foi ona o lefana fana pa has such a good effect and efficiency, so people in the industry will have a high evaluation of it. What are the components of the fana fana pa?

The components of the fana fana pa: shot blasting cleaning room, shot blasting head, elevator, separator, dust collector, screw conveyor, electric control system. 

Faʻatonutonuina eletise: E faʻatonuina le puleaina o le PLC, lea e mafai ona setiina ia atoatoa otometi poʻo le tusi lesona.

Efuefu aoina: E i ai se lelei faʻamama aafiaga i luga o le efuefu ma otaota, ma e matua otometi lava.

Fanaina fana pa: It is a fana fana pa accessory at the core of the whole equipment. 

Vavaeʻese: O le autu galuega o le tuuʻeseʻese projectiles poʻo faʻamaʻa pelu ma efuefu.

Elevator: E mafai ona siʻi i luga peleti faʻailoa atu e le sikulima i le pito i lalo e oʻo atu i le pulu pepa.

Potu pa malulu potu: O le fana fanaina potu lea e manaʻomia pe a vaega e faʻamamaina.