I lefana fanafana masiniauala na tatou vaʻaia muamua, o mea suʻesuʻe o le galue faʻavae ma meafaigaluega fausaga o le fana fanafana masini, o aso taʻitasi tausiga ma isi autu manatu, o lea o le maluluina faʻasolosolo faiga o le fana fanafana masini o le a sili faʻaleleiina ma Mo auiliiliga loloto, le mulimuli faʻatonu o le a faʻapipiʻi masini tapulaʻa.
Masani parameter faʻamatalaga o fana fanaina masini:
O le mafiafia o le uamea ipu o 600 ~ 1200mm, o le muamua fana fanaina aofaʻi o 3400KG, o le aofai o fana fanaina masini e latalata i le 7 ~ 13, o le saoasaoa o le fana fanaina masini o 1500 ~ 2500 faʻataʻitaʻiga, ma le malosiʻaga o le malosiagafana fanafana masinie 90 / KW.
1.O lefana fana pao le a maua ai le malosi centrifugal ma le faʻafeagai faʻamalosi pe a faʻasolosolo i le maualuga saosaoa. Naʻo le auala lava lea e mafai ai ona faʻateleina le saoasaoa o le saoasaoa o le saoasaoa i le setete, lea e faʻafaigofieina ai le fausiaina o le tafe o le ea i lalo o le saoasaoa o le saoasaoa, ina ia mafai ai e luga o le uʻamea mea faigaluega ona maua se vaega o le faʻamamaina o le okesene.
2.When the fana fanafana masinithrows the metal material layer, it is to clean up the rusty iron and oxide layer on the surface of the workpiece. It will enter the transportation room through the bottom of the fana fanafana masinifor lifting, and the lifter will automatically send the shot material after it is separated. In the recycling system of the fana fana pa, waste is recycled to reduce labor costs.
3.Because the fana fana pa adopts a fully enclosed mode, the workpiece fana fana pa produces a strong impact effect during high-speed operation, and will be worn to a certain extent by the outside of the fana fana pa itself, so the equipment will be equipped with a cleaning room inside. The dust and debris left behind during the fana fana pa are well treated.